Viewing properties in France
As you can see from the map below Alliance has associated agency offices covering most regions of France so if you are considering making a visit to either explore a region or view specific properties hopefully we can be of assistance.
We can help you plan your trip whether you are looking to go by car via a ferry or using the Tunnel, traveling by air a or going by train. Just select your preferred option in the Travel section menu and a full list of the Operators that will allow you to book online. There are many discounted fares available so make sure you look under ‘Special Offers’, especially on the ferry operators web sites.
When it comes to places to we have many local contacts with family-run hotels, chambre d’hotes, gite style accommodation and campsites. We fully appreciate the cost of these inspection trips can so our aim is to make sure your visit is worthwhile and will do our best to ensure you are shown properties that meet your specific requirements.
If you intending to visit more that one area then we will endeavor to organize an itinerary that gives you enough time to reach your destination, see the properties on offer and allow time for lunch! You should allow at least a half-day for each agency office to be visited.
Hence the more you let us know about the type of property and the amount you are looking to spend including all fees and taxes we can then pass this information onto the offices you are visiting so they can prepare a suitable itinerary of suitable properties.
You will probably receive a call from the Agency(s) before you leave or whilst en-route just to confirm rendezvous details and to make sure they have selected the right style of property. Therefore it is useful if you can let us have a mobile number just in case of any last-minute changes.
If you do select specific properties from the web site then we will try and check to make sure they are still available but there will always be the possibility that properties go under offer or are removed from the market without the Owner informing the Agency. If this does happen then we will try and find other suitable properties to show you.
If you are considering purchasing a property with a mortgage we can provide you with all the relevant information and current interest rates plus organise you to be provided with a personal quotation from a French Lender based on your current income. This will help in determining your price range.
If you have any legal queries or information on construction/planning issues we can offer qualified advice.